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TFSA, RRSP, RESP, and more...

Sit back and relax while your money grows tax-free.

Take advantage of the Tax-Free Savings Account ("TFSA") to grow your money. All income earned in this account is tax-free when withdrawn.


Each year, investors 18 years of age and older can contribute the annual limit to their account. Even when left unused, annual limits accumulate and can be used anytime. Please refer to the chart below to see how much contribution room is available to you.

registered accounts

Let your retirement goals guide your investment...

It's never too late (or too early) to start planning for your future. A great incentive to use a Registered Retirement Savings Plan ("RRSP") is that any contributions you make until you turn 71 can be used to reduce taxable income.


Any income earned in your RRSP is usually tax-exempt as long as the funds remain in your plan.


Your annual RRSP deduction limit is the lesser of the following two items:

  • 18% of your earned income in the previous year; or

  • The annual RRSP limit


The 2021 annual limit is $27,830.

Nation Capital Corp. is also an eligible investment for RESPs, RRIFs, LIRAs, and more. It would be our pleasure to assist you with transferring your existing accounts or opening a new one.

This material is for information purposes only.

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